i talk music here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Empty - Ray Lamontagne

I just watched a movie by Tony Kaye, called Detachment. Good movie. This song played somewhere in the middle of the movie. The voice sounded very familiar. But only when the credits rolled, did I realize that the voice was that of Ray Lamontagne. I remember going through a Lamontagne phase a couple of years ago. It's a shame I couldn't pick up his voice. This only means that I need to listen to a lot more of him. He sounds like he's got a lot of good songs. If you are reading this, can you suggest some other nice songs by him?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Slip Away - Clarence Carter

Watched the Director's cut version of Almost Famous .....again.
I have lost count, seriously.

Enjoy the song and think of the places and times
you could have been to if you had a time machine.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Adam and the Fish Eyed Poets

I've been asked a few times about why I know so little about Indian bands. The conversation has oscillated between "Raj, you're such a pseudo-hipster" to "Raj, Soulmate and Indian Ocean are not the only Indian bands". The point is, they might actually be right. But you can't force someone to like a band just cause it's Indian, can you? The aam junta/pro-Anna type of marketing doesn't work on me, sorry.

I realized that I was following certain Indian songs and not the artists, for a while. Pralay's "You" was one song that got me liking that band. Unfortunately, nothing better came out that stable after that. I had even Facebook "liked" their page to see if something was on the line. Similar things happened with Cognac's "Through your eyes".

Recently, as I was going through some blogs, I came across this band called Adam and the Fish Eyed Poets from Chennai. The cool thing about their profile was that their bandcamp page had all the albums up for free download, which is always one way to seduce someone like me. I took that leap of faith where I copied both albums into my iPod. I'd recommend both the albums if you're looking for something along the lines of REM/Matchbox Twenty/Manic Street Preachers.... I named these three bands because I think this is the closest I can get to for introducing Adam and the Fish Eyed Poets. You might disagree.

What really got me into them was a song called "Little monkeys".
here's the grooveshark link - http://grooveshark.com/s/Little+Monkeys/3mELmx?src=5

and here's the live video clip - (the grooveshark link has perfect audio; the Youtube clip is a bit dodgy)

I don't know if this counts as "following" an Indian band but I have recommended this band to friends, "liked" their page on Facebook and also include three/four songs from their albums in my ever changing lists of playlists..

The funny thing is, even if they hadn't been Indian, I would have still done all of that.